Treaty: What happens next?

A photo of Commissioner Jill Gallagher at a community meeting

The Victorian treaty process is now law, after passing Parliament's Upper House last Thursday night. 

This means treaty is now closer than at any other point in Australian history.

So, what happens now? 

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. 

  • What's happening next? 

The Treaty Advancement Commissioner is continuing to set up the Aboriginal Representative Body, which will be the key voice for Aboriginal people in the next phase of the treaty process. 

It will be made up of traditional owners, elected by Aboriginal people in Victoria in 2019. 

(For more information about the Representative Body, click here). 

The Commission is holding events to help inform the community in the Loddon and Hume areas in July, and Gippsland in late August, and in urban Melbourne (dates TBC). 

The Commission has previously held events in south west Victoria and the Grampians - Mallee regions. 

  • So, when will treaty happen? 

A treaty, or several treaties, are still years away. 

Big decisions - such as who negotiates, and what is on the table - have not yet been made. 

These decisions will be made by the Aboriginal Representative Body. Every Aboriginal person in Victoria can be involved in the process, by voting in the election in early 2019. 

  • Can I contact the Commissioner? 

Yes - we want to hear your voice. 

You can call the office on 03 8684 7537 or send an email to

  • How can I stay in touch? 

A good way is to sign up for our emails, which keep the community informed about events, developments and decisions as treaty progresses.