Introducing your 12 Assembly Election Officers
Enrolment open for Assembly election
Today, enrolment has opened for communities to elect the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria. You...
Dreamtime at the ‘G: Enrol for your chance to win
Be one of the first to enrol for the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria elections and your child...
Talking with Elders across Victoria
Today the Treaty Advancement Commission has begun another series of conversations with Elders across...
Momentum building for Treaty
One of Australia’s biggest Indigenous-themed sports events, Dreamtime at the G, will focus on and...
Explainer: What does the Federal election mean for treaty in Victoria?
The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison has decided to hold the Federal election on Saturday 18 May.
New name, more rights for traditional owners
The independent organisation which will support Aboriginal communities to negotiate treaty has now...
Assembly logo competition
The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria will be the voice of Aboriginal Victorians in the next...
Treaty journey heads into Victoria's prisons
The Victorian Treaty Advancement Commission is supporting Aboriginal people in the state’s...
Treaty facts: What happens when a new RAP is recognised?
Treaty facts: What happens when a new Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) is created?
Under the...